
Laser Treatments

Laser Treatments

Laser Treatments in Boerne, Tx

Looking to combat aging and restore youth to your face? At Enrich Family Practice in Boerne, Texas, Maria Cole, APRN, FNP-C, uses the innovative Icon™ laser to combat wrinkles and stimulate collagen. Your provider performs the non-invasive procedure in just 30 minutes and it can make you look and feel years younger. If you’re interested in turning back the clock or alleviating unwanted skin issues, call the office or reach out online to discuss the Icon laser today. 

Laser Treatments Q&A

What is the Icon™ laser?

The Icon laser is a next-generation platform that uses a light-based system to revitalize skin. Safe, effective, and with minimal downtime, the laser sends ablative fractional energy into your skin. This stimulates the production of elastin, collagen, and new tissue. 

The Icon laser can also smooth out your skin, eliminating unwanted blemishes, skin tones, or scars. 

The Icon’s Advanced Contact Cooling™ and AccuSpectrum™ dual filters increase your comfort levels during treatment. Skintel® technology allows the Icon to adjust to your specific skin type accordingly, providing optimal results. 

What does the Icon laser treat?

The Icon system uses cutting-edge technology like microbeams, photorejuvenation, pulsed energy, and fractional laser light, depending on what you’re treating. 

These technologies can stimulate and regenerate collagen, elastin, and smooth out your skin’s texture. As you age, you may notice unwanted lines, wrinkles, age spots, and drooping around your mouth, lips, eyes, forehead, and jowls.

Restoring collagen and elastin to your skin and revitalizing its surface is key to looking and feeling younger, but any adult can use the treatment to target certain skin issues. The procedure may be right for you if you’re looking to: 

  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles 
  • Reduce the appearance of sun and age spots, spider veins, and rosacea 
  • Correct skin tone 
  • Diminish stretch marks 
  • Remove surgery or acne scarring 
  • Target and destroy unwanted hair (hair removal) 

During a consultation, your provider works with you to determine your aesthetic goals and how many sessions you may require.

What happens during an Icon laser treatment? 

Before scheduling an Icon laser appointment, your provider does a thorough medical history and skin examination to be sure you are a good candidate. Luckily, the Icon laser is effective for all skin types. 

During the painless procedure, you may feel slight warmth in the treatment area, followed by the cooling mechanism. Depending on the areas your provider treats, the procedure can take 20-60 minutes. 

Unlike other more invasive skin treatments, the Icon laser doesn’t affect your first layer of skin and targets the second layer. This avoids any issues like long-lasting irritation and redness. Recovery is quick, as are the results.  

If you’re looking to restore and refresh your skin, reach out to Enrich Family Practice by phone or online today.

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